Monday, August 23, 2004

Homeschooling and Schoolschooling

I know there is a segment of the homeschooling community who thinks that everyone should homeschool or they are sinning. I'm not with them. But even before our first official day of homeschooling our two oldest, we have noticed the remarkable difference that having a homeschooling mentality can have.

I would like to say that we have always been active in teaching our kids, and in some ways I know we have been. But we are looking for opportunities to teach our kids more and more every day, so much so that we feel like we have almost been inactive to this point!

For example, yesterday the kids found a cicada that was getting ready to come out of its shell. They put it in a bug catcher cup and spent the whole day checking up on it. First they saw it come out of the shell, then the wings spread out to dry, and that night they opened the cup and set it on the front porch to live on. What a lesson. 1. Watching it showed the amazing, intricate and beautiful creature that God had made. 2. Watching taught the kids how to care for God's creatures while being in awe of the God that made it.

Even if you "schoolschool" your kids, everyone is required by God to "homeschool" in a number of ways. Be active in your official or unofficial homeschooling. Watch God's creation. Enjoy the beauty and intricacy, and model that joy to your kids. If you have the kids and don't have the time, you are probably doing something God doesn't want you to do. Believe me, that convicts us as much as we hope it convicts you. :)


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