Sunday, October 24, 2004

Isaac and Kyle and Our Kids

It was good to have our good friends in town this weekend. Isaac and Kyle came in Friday afternoon and left Sunday afternoon. The kids cried when they left.

"Hey, these aren't my parents!" Posted by Hello

We met them in Kentucky when they were both students at the University of Kentucky and I was an International Student Minister. I discipled Isaac for a while, met Kyle when they started dating, and was asked by them to perform their wedding. I accepted immediately, but ended up backing out because of our move to Northern Illinois. They were married last summer.

It was our joy to have them here. We got a babysitter and went out to a movie on Friday night, and then finished it off our evening with a Cherry Coke and conversation at The Public House where our friend Michelle works.

Glad you came guys!


At 11:57 PM, Blogger Wes said...

Hey, that's four people now willing to drive over 900 miles in a weekend to come to see you all in Woodstock. You must have done something right while you were here. Or maybe your kids are just awesome.

At 9:11 AM, Blogger Steve McCoy said...

Lord-willing it's both, but I tend to think it's the kids most of all! :)

At 7:09 PM, Blogger Nick said...

I prefer to think that Steve's Jedi Mind tricks are what bring people up there.


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