Saturday, November 06, 2004

Happy Birthday Sarah

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Sarah's eight! See more pictures here.


At 3:33 PM, Blogger Wes said...

Tell Sarah that I said: "Happy Birthday!"

-Mr. Wes

At 5:17 PM, Blogger robschloemer said...

I know you won't rember us but happy belated Birthday. My how you have grown. YOu are as beautiful as the day we first met you. May jesus continue to shower you with His Grace. Give your mommy and daddy a big hug form us.
The Schloemer's

At 7:11 AM, Blogger Joe Sr. said...

Sarah!! Are you EIGHT?!! Why, it seems like only last year you were SEVEN!!! My, my-- how time flies.

Well, hope it was a happy day! Give your dad a wet willie for me. If you don't, then I'll have to do it over Thanksgiving! Mmm.. turkey! Might not be anything like a slice of birthday cake made by your mother (the awesome chef!), but at least it will be accompanied by Uncle Joe and me. What could be better than that?!

Love you, sweetie-pie! Kisses to your brothers, too!

--Aunt Julie


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