Monday, September 06, 2004

WWH and Van Tai Cao

I was great to have some visitors for Labor Day weekend. Wes and Van are guys I worked with at the University of Kentucky. They are now out of school and wanted to make the trip up to visit. What a great weekend.

Wes, Van, Steve and Kentucky ginger ale Posted by Hello

They arrived Friday night at about 9:30pm and we went straight to Buffalo Wild Wings in Lake in the Hills, about 20 minutes from home. Sometime around 1:30am we went to bed. Next morning we started with a big breakfast made by the lovely Molly. I had an important meeting from 10am-1pm out of town, so we put Wes and Van on the Metra train into Chicago where they base-jumped off the Sears Tower (well, they took an elevator to the top, anyway). Then they ate Chicago style pizza and came home.

Sunday afternoon we took them to Portillo's, another Chicago style restaurant with italian beef, italian sausage, Chicago style hot dogs with all the fixins and more. They loved it and so did we. It's a favorite McCoy family restaurant.

They spent a lot of time playing with the kids, which was a blast for the kiddos and wore out Wes and Van. The kids cried when they left because they wanted Wes and Van to live with us. Uh...I don't think so.

It was so great to have them here, and they even granted my wish of reloading my fridge with Ale-8-One, a popular Kentucky ginger ale (pictured in our joyful hands above). You guys are welcome back anytime. It was a blast.


At 9:56 PM, Blogger Wes said...

Wow, what a surprise to see me as the subject of a blog post :) Man, it was great to see you all again. We were sort of hoping that one of the kids had somehow snuck inside of our luggage and was going peak his/her head out at some point, but that didn't happen...haha.

Sometimes it's tough being so far apart from you all, but hopefully God has us just where he wants us. It looks like you have got some great opportunities for ministry there. Woodstock is blessed to have had you all move up there. Praying for you. Please keep me updated on stuff.


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